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// ==UserScript== // @name Anime-Loads Title Generator // @version 3.0 // @grant none // @include https://www.anime-loads.org/media/* // ==/UserScript== var mainDiv = document.getElementById("main"); if(mainDiv){ var styleLib = ` .altg_panel { position: absolute; display: block; top: 70px; left: -128px; color: #337ab7; } .altg_panel > * { max-width: 128px; padding: 10px 15px; margin-bottom: 10px; background: white; border: 1px solid #337ab7; border-right: none; border-radius: 4px; border-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .altg_panel > *:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } #altg_popup { top: 20px; position: absolute; width: calc(100% - 40px); border: 1px solid black; background: white; border-radius: 4px; z-index: 1000; } #altg_popup h1 { margin-left: 10px; font-weight: bold; } #altg_popup h2 { font-size: 1.5em; } #altg_popup hr { margin: 10px; } `; var pluginStyle = document.createElement("style"); pluginStyle.innerHTML = styleLib; document.head.appendChild(pluginStyle); var pluginButtonPanel = document.createElement("DIV"); pluginButtonPanel.className = "altg_panel"; mainDiv.appendChild(pluginButtonPanel); var generateButton = document.createElement("DIV"); generateButton.innerText = "Generate Titles"; pluginButtonPanel.appendChild(generateButton); generateButton.onclick = function(){generate(false)}; var generateButton2 = document.createElement("DIV"); generateButton2.innerText = "Generate Titles (/w Name)"; pluginButtonPanel.appendChild(generateButton2); generateButton2.onclick = function(){generate(true)}; var generateButton3 = document.createElement("DIV"); generateButton3.innerText = "Generate Titles (/w min Name)"; pluginButtonPanel.appendChild(generateButton3); generateButton3.onclick = function(){generate(true, ":")}; } function generate(withText, shortNameSeparator){ var popupOld = document.getElementById("altg_popup"); if(popupOld){ popupOld.parentNode.removeChild(popupOld); return; } var selectedReleaseContainer = document.querySelector(".panel-body .tab-content .active .active .episodes"); //content panel -> download/stream (active tab) -> release (active tab) -> episode list let linkContainer = selectedReleaseContainer || document.querySelector("#downloads_episodes_1") || document.querySelector("#streams_episodes_1"); console.debug("Using link container:"); console.debug(linkContainer); var links = linkContainer.getElementsByTagName("a"); var titles = []; console.log(links); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; var attribute = link.getAttribute("data-loop"); //0..n if (attribute != null && !isNaN(attribute)) { var names = link.children.item(0); //a span var titleFull = names.getAttribute("title"); if (titleFull != null) { titles.push(titleFull); } else { var title = names.innerHTML.match("<strong>[0-9 ]*<\\/strong>\\s*(.*)");//("<strong>[0-9 ]*<\\/strong>[ ]*([A-Za-zÄ-Üä-üß0-9 \\?!\\/\\-\\+\\_\\*\"\\.:;,…\\\\(\\)&']*)"); if (title != null && title[1] != null){ titles.push(title[1]); } } //titles.push(names.attributes.length >= 2 ? names.attributes[1].name + "=" + names.attributes[1].value : "n/a"); } } if (titles.length > 0){ var seriesname = document.getElementsByClassName("page-header")[0].getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].title; seriesname = extractShortName(seriesname, shortNameSeparator); var data = '<div style="margin:15px;">'; data += '<h1>' + seriesname + '</h1><hr><div class="panel panel-default"><center><br>'; for (var k = 0; k < titles.length; k++) { data += '<h2>' + (withText == true ? "<b>" + seriesname + " Episode " + (k+1) + "</b> - " : "") + extractShortName(titles[k], shortNameSeparator, true) + '</h2>'; if (k + 1 < titles.length) data += '<hr>'; } data += "<br></center></div></div>"; //var newDoc = window.open('', 'wnd'); //newDoc.onload = function(){ //newDoc.document.head.innerHTML = document.head.innerHTML; //newDoc.document.head.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].innerHTML = "GET-EP v2.1"; //newDoc.document.body.innerHTML = data; //}; //newDoc.focus(); var popup = document.createElement("DIV"); popup.id = "altg_popup"; popup.innerHTML = data; mainDiv.appendChild(popup); } } function extractShortName(name, separator, skipFirst){ if (separator != null){ let seperatorIndex = name.indexOf(separator); if (seperatorIndex >= 0){ if (skipFirst === true){ name = name.substr(seperatorIndex + 1).trim(); }else{ name = name.substr(0, seperatorIndex); } } } return name; } setInterval(function(){ let stupidScripts = document.querySelectorAll("script[src='https://undefined']"); for(let s of stupidScripts){ try { s.remove(); }catch(ignore){ } } }, 1000);
// ==UserScript== // @name Anime-Loads Title Generator // @version 3.0 // @grant none // @include https://www.anime-loads.org/media/* // ==/UserScript== var mainDiv = document.getElementById("main"); if(mainDiv){ var styleLib = ` .altg_panel { position: absolute; display: block; top: 70px; left: -128px; color: #337ab7; } .altg_panel > * { max-width: 128px; padding: 10px 15px; margin-bottom: 10px; background: white; border: 1px solid #337ab7; border-right: none; border-radius: 4px; border-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .altg_panel > *:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } #altg_popup { top: 20px; position: absolute; width: calc(100% - 40px); border: 1px solid black; background: white; border-radius: 4px; z-index: 1000; } #altg_popup h1 { margin-left: 10px; font-weight: bold; } #altg_popup h2 { font-size: 1.5em; } #altg_popup hr { margin: 10px; } `; var pluginStyle = document.createElement("style"); pluginStyle.innerHTML = styleLib; document.head.appendChild(pluginStyle); var pluginButtonPanel = document.createElement("DIV"); pluginButtonPanel.className = "altg_panel"; mainDiv.appendChild(pluginButtonPanel); var generateButton = document.createElement("DIV"); generateButton.innerText = "Generate Titles"; pluginButtonPanel.appendChild(generateButton); generateButton.onclick = function(){generate(false)}; var generateButton2 = document.createElement("DIV"); generateButton2.innerText = "Generate Titles (/w Name)"; pluginButtonPanel.appendChild(generateButton2); generateButton2.onclick = function(){generate(true)}; var generateButton3 = document.createElement("DIV"); generateButton3.innerText = "Generate Titles (/w min Name)"; pluginButtonPanel.appendChild(generateButton3); generateButton3.onclick = function(){generate(true, ":")}; } function generate(withText, shortNameSeparator){ var popupOld = document.getElementById("altg_popup"); if(popupOld){ popupOld.parentNode.removeChild(popupOld); return; } var selectedReleaseContainer = document.querySelector(".panel-body .tab-content .active .active .episodes"); //content panel -> download/stream (active tab) -> release (active tab) -> episode list let linkContainer = selectedReleaseContainer || document.querySelector("#downloads_episodes_1") || document.querySelector("#streams_episodes_1"); console.debug("Using link container:"); console.debug(linkContainer); var links = linkContainer.getElementsByTagName("a"); var titles = []; console.log(links); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i]; var attribute = link.getAttribute("data-loop"); //0..n if (attribute != null && !isNaN(attribute)) { var names = link.children.item(0); //a span var titleFull = names.getAttribute("title"); if (titleFull != null) { titles.push(titleFull); } else { var title = names.innerHTML.match("<strong>[0-9 ]*<\\/strong>\\s*(.*)");//("<strong>[0-9 ]*<\\/strong>[ ]*([A-Za-zÄ-Üä-üß0-9 \\?!\\/\\-\\+\\_\\*\"\\.:;,…\\\\(\\)&']*)"); if (title != null && title[1] != null){ titles.push(title[1]); } } //titles.push(names.attributes.length >= 2 ? names.attributes[1].name + "=" + names.attributes[1].value : "n/a"); } } if (titles.length > 0){ var seriesname = document.getElementsByClassName("page-header")[0].getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].title; seriesname = extractShortName(seriesname, shortNameSeparator); var data = '<div style="margin:15px;">'; data += '<h1>' + seriesname + '</h1><hr><div class="panel panel-default"><center><br>'; for (var k = 0; k < titles.length; k++) { data += '<h2>' + (withText == true ? "<b>" + seriesname + " Episode " + (k+1) + "</b> - " : "") + extractShortName(titles[k], shortNameSeparator, true) + '</h2>'; if (k + 1 < titles.length) data += '<hr>'; } data += "<br></center></div></div>"; //var newDoc = window.open('', 'wnd'); //newDoc.onload = function(){ //newDoc.document.head.innerHTML = document.head.innerHTML; //newDoc.document.head.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].innerHTML = "GET-EP v2.1"; //newDoc.document.body.innerHTML = data; //}; //newDoc.focus(); var popup = document.createElement("DIV"); popup.id = "altg_popup"; popup.innerHTML = data; mainDiv.appendChild(popup); } } function extractShortName(name, separator, skipFirst){ if (separator != null){ let seperatorIndex = name.indexOf(separator); if (seperatorIndex >= 0){ if (skipFirst === true){ name = name.substr(seperatorIndex + 1).trim(); }else{ name = name.substr(0, seperatorIndex); } } } return name; } setInterval(function(){ let stupidScripts = document.querySelectorAll("script[src='https://undefined']"); for(let s of stupidScripts){ try { s.remove(); }catch(ignore){ } } }, 1000);